Computer Training

The CHAHAL WELFARE SOCIETY running the Computer training centre has started a new strategic initiative for professional and economic development of underprivileged community youth, The Society for Social Welfare and Development running the Computer training centre has been providing skill development training to the youth boys, girls and women of the community and developing their confidence to establish themselves in the civil society and qualify them for the future opportunities in the job market. The objective is to synchronize Girls youth with vocational training with the ultimate aim to improve the quality of life of the community and nearby areas of Vinod Nagar The program has successfully mainstreamed more than 100 youth Girls since its inception. A well-structured strategic plan was developed to encourage youth to enhance their vocational skills. A total of 500 students completed the training, and all passing students were awarded certificates. An important step in implementing the program is proper mobilization of the community to motivate youth in enrolling in the vocational trades. This is essential because it brings forth awareness to youth who are involved in essential because it brings forth awareness to youth who are involved in petty jobs, which actually do not fulfill their basic needs.

VOCATIONAL TRAINING…….promoting livelihood

In response to unemployed section of the local area especially women and girls the Women’s Welfare & Self Employment Society provides its support to the under privileged women through various Vocational courses that can lead their life into good quality and prosperity. Courses which are promoting life standard of women’s life are ……


Cutting and Tailoring

This course is tailored to the market needs so that trainees can get a job and earn a regular income. This training helps trainees to find good placement opportunities and brighten their future and also it enables them to start a business on their own term, ensuring their economic stability.

Many women took advantage of it and giving good nurturance to their family. Among these 100 candidates many have been successfully placed in various fields and restoring their family health.

Under this Cutting & Tailoring Course around 225 beneficiaries have found a way and means to earn their living and promoting their livelihood. Through this beneficiaries have a sense of becoming self sufficient and confident to deal with upcoming challenges of their family life.


Beauty and Wellness Training

Beauty and Wellness Training is a new initiative which began to function from January 2015. It is being sponsored by Action Aid India. It is a six-month long training program intended to help women and girls to earn an additional income. It empowers women to enter into self-employment with bare minimum investment. Ninety-nine girls completed the Beauty and Wellness Training Course. Number of the candidates is employed or self-employed having an average earning of Rs.6000-8000 per month. And the total impact still to be ascertained.

EDUCATION……a step towards bright future


Day Care Center

With increased opportunities and demand for employment for women and the need to supplement household income, more & more women are entering the job market and they are more concern about their position in the income supplement and they prefer nuclear families. In that case need of substitute care for their young children while they are at work has increased. With this concern of poor working mothers, CHAHAL WELFARE SOCIETY. started a non-formal education and day care centre for kids between the age of 0-6 years. Society is running crèche units in different parts of Delhi to provide better education & support to the beneficiaries.

Society dragged them under a roof to make SMART.

Day care center is an initial stage of education system. This provides poor mothers a safe place to leave their kids while they are at work.

Women can’t leave the home because of children so enterprises outcome suffer but these day care centers are a motivation for these women to come out of their home and work in a common place. Under the supervision of trained staff (trained by CSWB/DSWB) on an average about 275 kids were regularly monitored from various eyes of the society’s center during this year. Some malnourished children of local area also come here for better education.

They experienced the joy of learning while playing and developed togetherness in all communities. Day care center also handle these beneficiaries to prepare them for admission to regular Govt. /Private school as per their parent’s choice. About 25 children have got admission in MCD/Private Schools. Near about 55-60 kids were regularly monitored in a single Day care center, placed at Trilokpuri.

In these various crèche units the children found their education in terms of basic color, learn shapes, free hand drawing, Alphabets number 7 and importance of cleanliness for good health and manner. Kids found crèche similar to their home and they had fun, free learning things, acquisition of informal knowledge and discipline.

Kids also participated in various programs, celebrated days time to time with great fun and full involvement.

Every year the same day kids of various crèches centers of Society celebrate Rajiv Gandhi Birth Anniversary in different parts of Delhi running by CHAHAL WELFARE SOCIETY.


Mahila Sashaktikaran

Empowerment is a way of acquiring the ability and opportunity to participation in decision-making and implementation and influencing the decision with proper knowledge self dignity and self-confidence. To achieve their goal CHAHAL WELFARE SOCIETY organized meetings and celebration of days. During this year CHAHAL WELFARE SOCIETY celebrated International Women’s day on Dwarka.

On this occasion CHAHAL WELFARE SOCIETY along with the certificate distribution, raised the issues, relevant to women’s improvement and upliftment and power to the masses.

On the subject of Dowry Demand, a drama Nukkar Natak prepared by beneficiaries was performed.

SHGs- (Income Generating Program)….moving towards Dream

To make women empowered and self sufficient to overcome their economical crisis and better income growth, CHAHAL WELFARE SOCIETY, decided to provide them with a better platform for it. SHGs helped these women and they went for a better future. SHGs are small homogenous groups consisting of 15-20 women from BPL families and are self managed groups of poor women which primarily came into existence to mobilize financial resources through their own savings and lend the same amongst themselves to meet the credit needs of their members.

During this year 2018-2019 women made a group worked together and who generated income for themselves with hand craft’s work. During this year a group was made by 2018-2019 women they worked together and prepared many things like bags, Jhallars, mats, wall hanging, teddy bears and paintings. Through this source they are more capable to face their financial encounters. On the various occasion stalls were arranged in melas/fairs/haats by the beneficiaries. They exhibited all the prepared products by SHGs. In which many items were sold and beneficiaries had a good profit and the Share of SHG was given to them for their hard work, SHG is working for their economical growth on their own terms & condition.


Food Distribution

CHAHAL WELFARE SOCIETY organized lunch and dinner Food Distribution camps at Night Shelters with the help of SADIK MASIH MEDICAL SOCIAL SERVANT SOCIETY, for Homeless and needy People on 23rd March 2020 to 30th March 2020.

Lunch and Dinner distribution for homeless and needy people and also for Migrant workers during Lockdown in May 2020.

Food distribution to homeless, needy people and Migrant workers by keeping Social Distancing during Lockdown in June and July 2020.

Distribution of Loose ration to the needy people by keeping Social Distancing during Lockdown in the months of August to November 2020

Distribution of Food to homeless people and Feeding small children during COVID- 19 LOCKDOWN.


Health Care

Nursing focuses on the care of individuals, families, elderly people and communities so CHAHAL WELFARE SOCIETY held vocational training of the youth in Nursing under the guidance of professionals from GRANDAGE SERVICES PVT. LTD


Celebration of Senior Citizen Day

The Society organised Senior Citizen’s Day on 1st of October 2019. On this occasion Bhajan Kirtan program was conducted in which senior citizens took part in Bhajan and Kirtan and Rajrani who is 90 years old, Kamla Devi, Kumla Devi, Parwati, Sumitra, Asha Devi etc participated in the program and danced. On the occasion, Blanket, Loi and refreshment were distributed to the senior citizens… Senior citizens were singing the religious songs which was enjoyed by all the senior citizens.. Society President Dr. Meera Chakrabarty was also present on the occasion to supervise the entire program.